M-litter is born!
Our M-litter was born today, 3 Girls and one boy. Parents are NO*Havstrilens Fergie and CH (N) Stiv Kuling's Pacino.
Chuck Berry Supreme Champion!
At Hanskatten's show in Bergen today, Chuck Berry became Supreme Champion! He is the first cat from NO*Havstrilens to achive this title -...
L-litter is born!
Early this morning, Gwen Stefani gave birth to Three kittens, 1 boy and 2 Girls. Everything went well - and Gwen is a wonderful...
We have a New princess!
(N) Stiv Kuling's Queenie is the New princess of NO*Havstrilens cattery! She is an adorable tortie, With really strong colors. She is...
K-litter is born!
Nikci has given birth to 4 beautiful kittens - 2 Girls and 2 boys. Proud father is Chuck Berry. Nikci is the most wonderful mom. For more...
Fun at the VKK show in Voss
At VKK's show this weekend - Kazaar became Supreme Champion! So proud of my boy - who is only 2,5 years old. He also got BIV and NOM and...
J-litter is born
Friday 19th of May - Fergie gave life to one boy; Jimi Hendrix NFO n 09 24. He was the only kitten in this litter - and will of course be...
Great at Berak's show
At Berak's show in Bergen 18.-19. February, Kazaar became Best Breeding Male both days! Billie Holiday got her 3rd CAP, and can now Call ...
Nikci give birth to 5 kittens!
Five kittens were born on Christmas - 2 Girls and 3 boys. Nikci is a super-mum, and is taking really good care of her little ones....
Chuck Berry is now GIC!
At the World Winner Show in Vienna, Austria, Chuck Berry got his eight CAGCIB, and is now a Grand International Champion! He is the first...